2020 Archive of Events
Congratulations to Whiffletree Yard of the Month winners for 2020 best holiday decorations
- John & Elizabeth Croley at 3516 Snidow Drive
- Steven & Dorothy Kemper at 3412 Langley Circle
- Steven & Robin Macmeeken at 7313 Lougheed Plaza
- Anthony & Toni Stricklin 3404 Wolfe Circle
The winners receive $100 gift card from Shades of Green Nursery in Frisco. Please congratulate our winners! Note that to qualify for YOM, you must be current on annual dues. Please
Special thanks to Tom & Kim Dixon for heading up the Beautification Committee selection of the Yards of the Month and for all the Committee members for taking the time to travel around the neighbor to select the best decorated homes.

Whiffletree Wins “Fall Into Fitness Competition” and Was Crowned Fittest Neighborhood in Plano – November 2020

Many Whiffletree neighbors signed up for Fall into Fitness, a healthy competition among neighborhoods across Plano. Sponsored by Plano Neighborhood Services, neighbors tracked and reported exercise times during the month of November. Whiffletree won this competition and has been crowned as the Fittest Neighborhood in Plano.
Additionally, Whiffletree had the 2 highest men’s contestants, Mike Weinberg finishing first and Jim Skelly second. On the women’s side, Patsy Weinberg finished second.
Plano Neighborhood Services plans to place signs at our main neighborhood entrances recognizing Whiffletree as the Fittest Neighborhood in Plano in 2020. Congratulations to all the Whiffletree participants for their dedication to exercise and fitness.
Whiffletree Garage Sale, Saturday, November 7, 2020
It's that time of year again! We are planning a Neighborhood Garage Sale for November 7, 2020. On that day, WHOA will put up a banner indicating the neighborhood garage sale. This is a good time to clean out unwanted items and have a garage sale when others in the neighborhood are having garage sales at the same time.
Each household is responsible for their own garage sale permit. For information about holding a garage sale, CLICK HERE. We have put up posts on various websites that advertise garage sales. When you apply for a garage sale permit (FREE) with City of Plano, your garage sale will be added to a map indicating homes that are having sales. No other advertising is needed!
Here are some tips that may help you in getting ready for a garage sale.
- Make an inventory list of what you want to sell
- Group items that can be put in a box and sold at a general price, like books or toys
- Get price stickers (you can find these at an office supply store)
- Get or make signs - see the City of Plano website above for rules about signs
- Decide how you are going to display items - do you need tables? Will everything be on the driveway?
- Get cash for change: $1, $5, $10, and $20 bills, and maybe a roll of quarters - have shopping bags or cardboard boxes on hand to help people carry their goods
The 2020 Texas Recycles Day is on November 14, and being held at Chase Oaks Church parking lot. This is a great way to donate items you didn't sell at your garage sale. For more information, see https://plano.gov/2668/Texas-Recycles-Day.
Picnic and Car Show - October 24, 2020
Whiffletree hosted its first Picnic in the Park & Classic Car Showcase on Saturday, October 24. Despite the first cold snap of the season, there was great turnout to enjoy hot dogs and drinks from Sonic and to view some of Whiffletree neighbors’ beautiful cars. The cars ran the gamut from an original (restored) 1966 Chevelle to the latest in technology, Tesla. The kids had a blast running from one car to the next, and the adults enjoyed the sunshine. There were some new faces who enjoyed meeting their neighbors, and some old ones who enjoyed reminiscing about the early days in Whiffletree. The cars that participated:
- 2012 Chevy Camaro 2LS ( black)
- 1981 Porsche 911 ( white)
- 1997 Mustang Convertible ( white)
- 2018 Chevrolet Camaro SS Convertible ( maroon)
- 1966 Chevrolet Chevelle SS (Black)
- American Car Classic 2000 GTO, Pontiac, Rolled off the assembly line in 1999, in Kansas, on a Tuesday.
Thanks to everyone who attended and special thanks to Angela Hurn for creating this first of its kind event in Whiffletree. Given the positive feedback and excellent turnout, this may become an annual event. You can see photos of this event by going to the PHOTOS tab.
Onsite Document Shredding Truck for Paid Whiffletree HOA Members - October 17, 2020
Whiffletree HOA invites all paid members to bring papers & documents that you need shredded to our drivethrough event at Mathews Elementary on Saturday, October 17, 9-11 AM.
CLICK HERE to RSVP by Wednesday, October 14th if you are interested in using this service. Be sure to check your email before the event to see if you have been assigned a drop-off time slot to reduce wait time in line.
We will observe the COVID-19 protocols to ensure the safety of volunteers and residents.
- In addition to documents to be shredded, please bring a single sheet of paper containing your name & address
- Drive to event and queue-up on Caravan Drive
- Stay in your vehicle until you pull up to collection bins
- Place paper with your name in the collection box indicated by an HOA volunteer and deposit documents to be shredded into shredding bin.
- You can wait in your car while the shredding employee transfers the documents to the shredding truck and they are destroyed.
- Drive away.
Again, CLICK HERE to RSVP by Wednesday, October 14.
Special RING Promotional Program October 9-18, 2020
Whiffletree HOA has secured an exclusive promotional program with Ring for all Whiffletree neighbors to purchase many Ring products at $40 discount off list price on Ring website (https://ring.com/). The promotional program runs from October 9 to October 18. CLICK HERE for more details as well as the promo code that you use at checkout to receive the $40 discount. This is excellent opportunity to add security devices around your home at discounted price.
If you need technical assistance to install Ring product(s) that you purchase, fellow Whiffletree neighbor, Steve Marshall, is available to provide technical and/or installation support. Steve can be reached at [email protected] or 817-401-5719. His contact info is also listed in the Whiffletree Directory.
2020 National Night Out (NNO) Was VIRTUAL This Year
As stated in the recently released Whiffletree newsletter, Plano Police Department (PPD) cancelled the in-person NNO event that was scheduled for Tuesday, October 6 due to the pandemic. This was disappointing since NNO has been a popular event in Whiffletree where many of our neighbors could meet. In its place, PPD held Virtual National Night Out, in which PPD Chief, Ed Drain, spoke about important topics in our society today and reviewed how PPD is doing in its mission. Chief Drain's National Night Out presentation can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.
We hope you can review this informative presentation.
2020 Membership Drive
A couple of changes have been implemented regarding the membership form and the amount of dues being charged for credit card/paypal payments. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.
Peanut Butter Drive for North Texas Food Bank (2020)
Thank you to the many generous neighbors in Whiffletree for their donations to the annual North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) Peanut Butter (PB) drive, an important event to help address hunger in our region. Whiffletree residents donated 3,470 pounds of PB via online donations at NTFB website and actual PB, which is more than double what we donated in 2019. Whiffletree was the 2019 winner of the City of Plano Nuttiest Neighborhood Award for highest PB donation per household. We are hopeful that we will repeat in 2020. This amazing accomplishment shows Whiffletree as a generous and caring neighborhood. Thank you!
Whiffletree Drive-By Concert Encores (August 4-5, 2020, 6:30 - 8:30 PM)
Whiffletree hosted Drive-By Concerts on August 4th & 5th, 2020
The musician, Cameron Havens, and sound company, Blue Circle Media, put on a great show. Great to see many Whiffletree neighbors outside enjoying the event. Thank you to Jennifer Shertzer of Plano Magazine for organizing this event.
Annual Meeting was held 6/23/20 via Zoom
On June 23, Whiffletree V, VI, VII Home Owners Association held its annual meeting via ZOOM to elect board members and to review and approve the annual budget for fiscal year (FY), April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021. As stated in the WHOA Bylaws, the existing Board proposed a slate of officers and committee chairpersons to the membership attending the meeting, which was unanimously approved. The new WHOA board serves until March 31, 2021, and we thank them for their service to their neighborhood.
- President: Jim Skelly
- Vice President: Tommy Mrazek
- Secretary: Lisa Kravitz
- Treasurer: Bill Ostergren
- Beautification Committee Chair: Tom Dixon
- Crime Watch Committee Chair: Tom Moore
- Membership Committee Chair: HB Bartz
- Social Committee Chair: Angela Hurn
- Welcoming Committee Chair: Lucy Lorenzo
The annual budget was then presented by Treasurer, Bill Ostergren. You can review the budget by CLICKING HERE. During his presentation, Bill noted that the budget was based on assumption of 314 paid memberships in FY 2021, which compares to 312 paid memberships in FY 2020. The proposed budget was approved unanimously.
Bill Ostergren also stated that paid memberships for FY 2021 currently stand at 239. This may necessitate spending reductions if paid memberships fall substantially short of budgeted levels. Since Beautification, Annual Directory and Social Events consume the largest portion of our annual budget, we may have to find ways to reduce those expenses or tap into our reserve funds, which are intended to fund large capital investments to our entrances. Our HOA is voluntary and dues remain low at $120 per year if paid by check or $124 if paid online. Your HOA strives to keep Whiffletree’s property values high and maintain our community-wide reputation for being a great place to live! We depend on all our residents to support those efforts. You may send a $120 check (payable to WHOA) to the Whiffletree mailbox (PMB 288, 3948 Legacy Drive, Suite 106, Plano, TX 75023). It is also easy to pay online at www.mywhiffletreehoa.com. Go to the “Pay Dues” tab on the website and pay with your credit card or PayPal.
No matter how you remit payment, please visit our website and ensure that your household information is correct. If you have any changes, use the Membership Form tab and make your updates. If you have any questions or concerns please call or email Membership Chairperson, HB Bartz (972-208-9689 or [email protected]). Thank you!
The annual meeting was adjourned with special thanks to those neighbors that participated and to all board members for their commitment to serve.
Public Health Emergency - Updated (March 16, 2020)
On March 16, Plano declared public health emergency. See post from Plano. For more information, go to City of Plano website, https://www.plano.gov/. Additionally, City of Plano posts daily statistic about COVID-19, which can be found at: https://www.plano.gov/3558/COVID-19-Cases