Directory Survey

We Need Your Input

Each year, we have printed and delivered a paper copy of the neighborhood annual Directory to all residents who paid their HOA dues.  We have seen a substantial increase in printing costs for the Directory over the past few years and as a result, the WHOA Board is considering options that could reduce this cost. The Board requested that we survey our residents for their feedback on this topic.

Note that directory information is always treated confidentially by the Whiffletree leadership.

Survey Regarding Neighborhood Directory

We are considering a few options related to our Annual Neighborhood Directory and would like your input. Please complete the form below. We welcome your feedback. NOTE that the information in the directory is treated confidentially and the directory is distributed to dues-paying members only.
1) Do you like receiving the PRINTED Directory?(Required)

2) Would you like to be able to view or download a PDF of the Directory?(Required)

3) If the directory could be viewed or downloaded as a PDF, would you still want (or need) a copy of the PRINTED directory?(Required)

4) If we continue to PRINT the Directory, could you help deliver them to homes on your street (or a nearby street)?(Required)
